Without customers a business is finished. However, just attracting customers isn’t enough; a business must treat customers right and offer a quality product to keep them coming back.
As they are starting to say their seasonal good-byes over the last couple of weeks, we realize how many Winter Visitors consider Russo Salon their home away from home for their beauty needs. They arrive in the fall and winter months when it is cold and snowing back east and the weather is gorgeous here. It is a really nice time to catch up with them to see how they have been while out of Arizona. We love it when the snow birds have visitors of their own and they introduce us and tell us that they just had to bring their friends in and show us off. As the temperatures start to creep up in Arizona, the snow birds begin heading back to cooler climates. It is a real treat getting to visit with them in the salon, and we’re glad they made a point to coming in one last time before leaving town.
We thank our snow birds for their continued patronage. Please keep returning to your temporary nest and introducing your friends to us. We look forward to seeing you next year. Be safe.